I have had the distinct pleasure of portraying “Scrooge” five
times under the tutelage of some wonderful directors – Roland Gomez, Rachael
Keep Hubbard and Donna Ferragut. In addition, each of these productions has had
the deft musical touch of Linda Wells. My journey as Scrooge has given me an
everted view of A Christmas Carol and
the Dickensian terrain as a whole. I have endeavored to sculpt a portion of the
tale from the actor’s perspective - how Scrooge perceives the world and his
audience, instead of the reverse. In addition, things discussed but never seen
come to life in this latest LTA rendition. The chapel, the schoolhouse,
Scrooge’s bed chambers, Marley’s underworld and Scrooge’s own funeral
procession are but a few of the new revelations. Each serves to enrich
Scrooge’s metamorphosis and highlight the play’s overall themes of gratitude,
generosity, and hope. Even Ali Baba, a
childhood favorite of Dickens, and other self-proclaimed visions come to life
in this rendition, exemplifying Dicken’s invisible world of "Fancy,"
and his love of literature and the imagination.
Little Theatre’s talented team of producers, designers actors, and
volunteers have fashioned the stage in the mold of an 1843 Dickens Village. All
that is left is for you to take this journey with us. As you watch - “Reflect upon
your present blessings – of which every man has many – not on your past
misfortunes, of which all men have some. Fill your glass again, with a merry
face and contented heart. Our lives go on, but your Christmas shall be
merry, and your new year a happy one!”
last comment. I decided to direct A Christmas Carol for the
opportunity to work with the folks at LTA that I have admired for years. Their
dedication to the magic of theatre is unparalleled. I feel like a kid at
Christmas when I enter their world.
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