The Game's Afoot - meet the director Frank Pasqualino

As a director, I always believe it's a good sign that I find myself laughing out loud when I first read a play.  I have directed farces before, and I have played roles in quite a few murder mysteries, however, I've never before dealt with a show that combines both; The Game's Afoot offered me that pleasure.  It's a fun piece of whodunit nonsense, managing to be both a loving embrace of the Agatha Christie formula of murder mystery combined with the farcical escapades for which Ken Ludwig is famous.

What do you hope the audience takes away from this show?
I hope that The Game's Afoot provokes the same laughs for the audience, along with some serious frights and gasps that it provided to me when I first read the play.

How did you get involved with theatre and LTA?
I have personally been involved with theatre since I was in first grade when I played a blade of grass in the spring pageant at St. Mary Gate of Heaven Catholic School in Queens, NY.  What is it they say?  The roar of the crowd, the smell of the grease paint?  I was hooked then and there.  So here it is, 57 years later and I'm still doing theatre.  In 1984, I came to the Washington area to live.  It was LTA where I first did theatre in this area and to this day, I consider coming home whenever I do a show here.

What advice do you have for others wanting to get involved with theatre?
No matter what your interests, there is a place in the theatre that will satisfy anything you can imagine.  Don't be shy!  Call a community theatre and tell them you are interested in working on a show.  Believe me, they will be happy to have you!



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