The Rocky Horror Show - meet cast member Zack Walsh

Tell us a bit about your role in The Rocky Horror Show.
I play a Phantom Usher.  My job for the shows is to pretty much do all the yelling back and audience participation stuff, which is fantastic because I'm such a Rocky Horror fan! I do this kind of thing already at screenings of Rocky Horror on weekends, so doing it for the real show is awesome! 

What have you learned about yourself while working on The Rocky Horror Show?
Well, I've learned that I hate wearing lipstick!  All kidding aside, I've really become part of the team with the other Phantom Ushers. Coming up with what we're yelling back, when to do it, and all that. The whole cast has really embraced me, even though I'm the youngest by far (I'm 18, while everyone else is... actually an adult).

What should the audience expect from The Rocky Horror Show?
The audience should expect a hell of a lot of fun! Both fans of the movie and new audiences will be thoroughly satisfied. There's enough allusions and references to the film in our production, while it's still it's own independent thing. Everyone will be happy.... except kids.  You probably shouldn't bring the kids to this one!

How is this show different from other shows you have worked on?
Rocky Horror is very different from other shows I've done. I have to be really hardcore and creepy, in a different way than I've done in other shows. The term "Phantom Usher" suggests that I slink through the audience in an almost ghost-like manner. It will be a bit hard for me, as I am not hardcore and intimidating, but it's fun to try!

How did you get into acting?  How did you get involved with LTA?
I've loved acting, or at least being involved with theatre, my whole life. I joined LTA for this show because it was an opportunity to work with a group I've heard nothing but great things about and to do a show that I am an absolute fan-boy for. It's great!

I'm a recent graduate of Westfield High School, where I was very involved with the theatre program. I played Ezekiel Cheever, the cop in The Crucible, a bunch of roles in The Producers, Sir Toby in Twelfth Night, and Mr. Mushnik, the shopkeeper in Little Shop of Horrors (which I was nominated for a CAPPIE award for Best Comic Actor).  I was also just cast in the feature film "Kalinda" as the main villian's sidekick.  I co-founded the AnyStage theater company, where I'll be doing Hamlet this spring as the title role.

What advice do you have for others that want to get involved in theatre?
I suggest just doing it.  Just go out and do stuff.  Find opportunities, and if you can't, make opportunities. I, myself, just co-founded a theatre company with my friends.  We have a production going up this Spring and we made that happen.  We decided we wanted to have this, so we made it!  Honestly anyone can do anything creative if they have the drive to do so.  Just don't get in your own way. 


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