Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike- meet cast member Lorraine Bouchard
About this show Even when we are adults, our families shape us. We learn to fend for ourselves through vicious sibling rivalry. We also find them to be our most loyal cheerleaders. Masha and Sonia are cheerleaders for Vanya's strange play. Vanya cheers on Sonia standing up for herself, and for being outgoing at the party. And nobody can hurt us or love us like a brother or sister. Truth hurts, and siblings don't pull punches. At first, I saw Sonia as described by her sister: "sweet, sensitive, tedious Sonia. You can't face life, can you?" But it is Sonia's anger at this sister's condescending truth-telling that finally impels her out of her numbness to stand up for herself and literally step out of her shell. It is wonderfully ironic that it is the condescending and self-absorbed Masha who becomes Sonia's savior. This family reminds us that support is not just about money, like the money that Masha spends on the house and everything ...