Director Joanna Henry and the cast of Rabbit Hole - Andy Izquierdo, Karen Jadlos Shotts, Rebecca Lenehan, Collin Chute and Rebecca Phillips - delivered a compelling and touching performance during opening weekend. And, early reviews agreed. Joe Adcock of Show Biz Radio wrote , “The company’s current production is a nicely calibrated, skillfully acted, effectively staged Rabbit Hole. The play is in no way simple or easy. But director Joanna Henry manages to balance the many dark elements — sorrow, anger, blame, guilt, depression, despair — with startling whiffs of comic oxygen. Her designers provide a versatile single setting, offering opportunities for multi-character coffee klatches, one-on-one living room confrontations and a bedroom for isolation or contemplation. And the actors — for the most part, anyway — manage to shade what could be simple, one-quality sketch characters into strikingly colorful dramatic portraits.” (Full Show Biz Radio review available online, http://ww...